Friday, October 15, 2010

October 13, 2010 Tuesday, Day 28 NJ Turnpike Rest Area

Captain’s Blog

We spent the night at the rest area parked right in front of the sign that stated – Two Hour Parking Limit – All Violators will be towed. IMG_7515We woke this morning to a chilly 38 degrees. And to think, Ronnie was swimming in the ocean 36 hours ago.



            --ONLY KIDDING--


Our original plan was to get up around 2 am and drive through NYC and over the GW Bridge but Ronnie was too tired so we went back to sleep planning to leave here around 9:30 am. Hopefully the morning traffic will have thinned out and eliminate the long waits in traffic.

The traffic was very light and we managed to get through NCY and over the GW Bridge in record time. Of course the toll for the bridge was $32.00!!!!! The tolls charged from NC through NY were $119.65. Highway robbery at its finest. Round tolls totaled a whopping $180.65. Ronnie is rethinking this route. There are other options without tolls and he will do the calculations gas miles versus toll miles for the future.

We ran into a lot of stop and go traffic and arrived at home around 3pm. Our visit to the NURSING HOME was sad. My Mother is now only 94 pounds and looks pretty rough. She did recognize us and managed a smile but she has lost her spirit. She cannot even lift her glass anymore to drink and did choke on her water. A sad ending to an otherwise great trip.




October 12, 2010 Tuesday, Day 28 Emporia, VA Jellystone CG

Captain’s Blog

Traveling Day

OK, we both needed a restful night last night with the long drive ahead of us, but that didn’t happen. Ronnie didn’t sleep and I tossed and turned all night. It is 6:30 am and I am up and Ron is trying to get a couple of good hours of sleep. We won’t leave here until a little later to try to avoid the traffic on the beltway in D.C. and Baltimore, MD (this time we did NOT go thru the restricted tunnel).



The drive home without stops is a long and arduous one. I95 is miserable but we did get through all the hot spots without difficulty and made it into NJ by 6:30 pm. The tolls will kill you especially towing a car. Over $50.00 in tolls in less then 50 miles.

Spent the night at, Emporia, VA Jellystone CG. I was hoping to watch Monday night football seeing the campground had cable that included espn + a sport channel unfortunately both had collage football broadcasted

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 11, 2010 Jellystone Park Camp Resorts

Captain’s Blog

Monday , Day 27

Emporia, Virginia

r0n Note:

My last ride on the beach!

Jeep V Sand

Day 2 Jeep 1.. Ron asks Deb do you need me to review how to use the camera to video tape?



Jeep 2. the end!

I am just a man I must understan? (YES)-(NO)


Ronnie routed us through the back roads and countryside for this leg of the trip. The plan is to get over to the Blue Ridge Parkway and do some leaf-peeping. Because we are still so far South there has been very little foliage color change.







We took IMG_7507the very nice scenic route and stayed away from the high traffic areas arriving at the CG around 4 PM. Shortly after another RV with MA plates parked next to use. They were from Western Ma and are heading South. Mille and Al are very nice people and we shared conversation as well as cookies rhubarb squares.

I call the Nursing Home twice weekly to check on my Mother and tonight’s call was not so good. I was told that she is failing and has lost quite a bit of weight. This was the first time I was informed of this and asked why I hadn’t been called. No reply! Well, we will not be heading home in the morning. Since we are still 660 miles from home we will not get home until Wednesday.

Ronnie has been doing well and today was the first day he felt 100% but I don’t think he should push himself to drive that distance in one day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 10, 2010 Sunday , Day 26 Oregon Inlet NP Campground, NC

Captain’s Blog

Outer Banks

Much to our surprise, despite the good weather and lots and lots of campers in the area the CG is closing tomorrow. Since we have to leave tomorrow  anyway we decided we should stay tonight and continue to enjoy the summer weather in October. IMG_7490  We headed out to the beach with the Jeep. Ron is enjoying driving on the beach and also decided he should take a dip in the ocean.

The CG has 120 sites and was very full last night. This morning many of those people who set up last night were breaking down this morning and leaving. Seems like a lot of work (especially for the tenters) to set up for one night and leave. Ronnie talked to some people when walking Jewel and I guess the theory is to get out of Dodge before the holiday traffic tomorrow.

  Later in the evening we decided to head back over the dunes and take one last walk on the beach.




The end to another wonderful day!


October 9, 2010 Saturday, Day 25 Oregon Inlet NP Campground, NC

Captain’s Blog

Outer Banks

Since we have run into such great weather staying here is really the only and best choice for us. We are so lost in enjoying the good weather and Ronnie feeling so well that we didn’t realize this is a holiday weekend.

We have not been able to post our blog because our internet connection is so poor. Phone service is not much better so have not been able to make any phone calls.

Today we packed a lunch and drove to the beach. We have never taken the jeep on the beach so it was a new adventure for us. Ronnie insisted we did not have to decrease the tire pressure but did make sure we had a shovel and tow rope if we got bogged down in the sand.


We were told that if you stay in the tracks of another vehicle there should not be a problem. So that is what Ronnie did. He is not used to the Jeep in low gear and four-wheel drive so it was a little nerve-racking getting on to the beach. Once on the beach he stopped to talk to someone about driving on the beach. Fifteen minutes later we knew all of the man’s personal business including his job history, divorce after 25 years and on and on. Everyone wants to share their life story and they have all been very nice people.


We decided to stay where we were enjoying our lunch, collecting shells and spending several hours being mesmerized by the wave. Jewel enjoyed being on the beach and away from the prickly thorns. She doesn’t like the water so was not interested in getting close to the waves.

When driving out of the beach I was in charge of doing a video clip of us riding in the sand. I received a set of instructions from Ronnie on how to video-tape with our camera and off we went. Well, I guess I’m not too good at video –taping but then again neither is he.



Remember I had instructed her on how to video tape.


Back at the MH we had a late dinner and continue to enjoy the good weather. Ronnie decided to check out what he had written down about the art gallery (and forgot to bring) so when he looked realized that the gallery we went to was the wrong one. WHAT!!! How could that happen especially since the owner of the ice-cream shop knew the artist we spoke of so swell and then sent us to the wrong gallery. I guess we should have plugged the gallery into the Tom-Tom. Live and Learn!

October 8, 2010 Friday, Day 24 Oregon Inlet NP Campground, NC

Captain’s Blog

Outer Banks

We awoke this morning to another beautiful, sunny day in the low 70’s. Everyone that has been in the area for any length of time told us the weather here last week was brutal with the rain, wind and flooding. We had been watching the weather and are glad we stayed in Richmond for a few days before venturing down here.


Ron was on-line last evening and found an Art Gallery for us to visit in Nag’s Head. But first Jewel needed her daily walk. Oh Boy, another traumatic event for her despite being carried onto the road. Those little prickly beasts are blowing all over the place and she was covered again. Ronnie brought them in on his shoes and now we are pulling them off the rugs and Jewel.


Our neighbor has three little dogs and they were limping around too. Not very hospitable terrain and definitely not the place to walk barefoot. We usually walk barefoot in the MH but not here. We have had too many yelps from Ronnie and I stepping on the spiny creatures.

We drove into town and stopped to check out the Kite Store. Ronnie had aspirations of buying a kite but that didn’t happen. Mr. Frugal couldn’t bring himself to purchase a kite for the prices they were asking, especially since the one he really liked was $189.00. We left the store empty handed and Ronnie did not “go fly a kite” despite my many requests that he do so.


He spotted an ice-cream store so of course we had to stop. The owner of the store was more then happy to tell us her life story, all about her kids, business and anything else that she thought we should hear. Everyone is very friendly and more then happy to tell you all about themselves. We asked her about the art museum and she told us that her son took art and was so good she was amazed. She has his art hanging in her living room and she knows the artist and his art gallery well so she directed us to the “Yellow House Art Gallery” down the road.


We toured the art gallery and were very impressed with the eight rooms of art including original paintings of art dating back 4 centuries to those of local artisans. The woman at the gallery was very talkative and also gave us a brief synopsis of her life. I did purchase a Cape Hatteras lighthouse watercolor to add to my collection of lighthouse paintings.

Back at the CG we had dinner and ventured back out to the beach via the dunes. You can drive your 4-wheel vehicle on the beach and there were many parked along the shoreline. We stopped and talked to a few of the fisherman –all with life stories to share.


We feel so fortunate to be able to be here and the trip has been especially good for Ronnie. He is getting some sun and has a tan. Looking more like himself every day.

Let the Fun begin!

October 7, 2010 Thursday, Day 23 Oregon Inlet NP Campground, NC

Captain’s Blog

Outer Banks

Early this morning I walked to the office to check on the possibility of staying another night at Ocean Waves. Not a chance, they are filled for the next month with the snowbirds coming for one and two month stays. The price for a one-month stay with utilities is $496.00 per month or a mere $16.00 a night. What a great deal and right on the ocean.

Since we had to move we had to decide if we would go to the $74.00 per night KOA with our KOA discount or the RV Resort next door for $ 54.00 per night. Instead we decided to go to the Oregon Inlet NP Campground 17 miles north. We have stayed there in the past and enjoyed it despite the lack of utilities. But, for $10.00 a night one cannot complain.


Once at the office the “old” Ranger asked me if I had an “old peoples” pass that qualifies for the $10.00 rate. UGH , I guess I now look “old” enough to qualify. I pulled out my pass but wanted to whack him for asking.


We secured what we thought was a great site against the dunes. Once we were set up we discovered that the site we chose was overrun by little plants that are loaded with sticky birds – painful sticky-birds that are actually some type of small cactus.

IMG_7444  IMG_7445

Poor Jewel was loaded with them and could not walk. Ron and I spent the next 20 minutes picking them off of her. She was so traumatized she hid under the table. We had thought about moving but after some consideration decided to stay put and work around the prickly beasts.





Later we walked over the dunes (carrying Jewel over the grassy areas) to the ocean. It was a beautiful evening so we walked the beach for about 90 minutes. Good exercise and fresh air for all of us. Back at the MH we had a nice meal and relaxing evening enjoying the good weather.
